Podcast 175 September 29th 2017

Podcast 175 September 29th 2017

“OTA’s show the way to improved booking, Facebook gets even smarter in targeting with DAT, PromoRepublic is a nice starter content tool”

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Hello everyone and welcome to Hospitality Digital Marketing the podcast, I am your host Loren gray and this is episode #175, we are airing Friday, September 29th, 2017 where every week we spend around 20 minutes sharing the most interesting tools, news, and techniques being used in digital marketing for the hospitality industry. We also do a quick recap of our weekly Live Video show “This Week in Hospitality Digital Marketing” which also airs every Friday at 11:30 am Eastern US Time. This week is was show 112. SO let’s get started;


80% of Instagram Users Voluntarily Connect With a Brand on the Platform


Hotels should learn from OTAs to drive bookings


How booking.com uses stress to rush your decisions


Facebook broadens location-based ad tools and Canvas ad offerings


Twitter is doubling the length of tweets to 280 characters for some people


Facebook review tool


Neat tool for social posting


8 Experiential Marketing Campaigns That Will Give You Serious Event Envy



Reaching Broad Audiences with Dynamic Ads for Travel


Opportunities on Kayak Mobile

We would also like to remind everyone about our content piece called, “Monday’s Marketing Minute”. Inspired by all of the questions we get on the this podcast and on the live show that we either cannot get to or are repeats of topics or inspired from our conversations. We have found that so many industry professionals like yourself have questions that from time to time they don’t either have the resources available to get an answer or don’t trust the source of the possible answer. It’s meant to be helpful and brief. So I hope you check out this past Mondays at www.hospitalitydigitalmarketing.com/minute or bit.ly/hdmminute
Remember — you can find us on Google play / apple iTunes / talkshoe / soundcloud / Stitcher no matter which one you may use, if you like the show please rate us and leave a comment. Also if this is your first time hearing us, you can subscribe to our show on any of those platforms as well. For an archive of all previous podcasts you can go to hospitalitydigitalmarketing.com/podcasts and don’t forget our live video talk show that you can join and participated in every Friday at 11:30 Eastern US time, called “this week in hospitality digital marketing show”. simply go to https://hdmagency.wpengine.com/live/ Thank You for the privilege of your time.

Founder / CEO of Hospitality Digital Marketing

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