Podcast 118 August 26th 2016

Podcast 118 August 26th 2016

” Red Lion joins Expedia’s membership program, Facebook changes its ad blocker program, A new Digital Marketing Budget Simulator for 2017 and TripAdvisor is adding its Meta into other MetaSearch platforms”… Plus much more

Hello everyone and welcome to Hospitality Digital Marketing the podcast, I am your host Loren gray and this is episode #118,  we are airing Friday August 26th 2016 were every week we spend around 20 minutes sharing the most interesting tools, news and techniques being used in digital marketing for the hospitality industry. We also do a quick recap of our weekly Live Video show “This Week in Hospitality Digital Marketing” which also aires every Friday at 10:30 am Central US Time. SO lets get started;
Tools— Digital Marketing Budget Simulator 2016
News —
Red Lion Partners with Expedia for Loyalty Program
Meta on top of MetaSearch
— TripAdvisor bought New York-based Citymaps, which provides users with map-based guides of things to do. After acquiring Viator in 2014 and fielding city guides for popular tourism spots around the world, TripAdvisor’s acquisition of Citymaps is consistent with TripAdvisor’s goal of building up its non-hotel business as its hotel offerings accounted for 81 percent of revenue in the second quarter. TripAdvisor’s goal is to provide travelers with the “perfect trip” through trip-planning research, hotel and vacation rental stays, and in-destination things to do. https://skift.com/2016/08/24/tripadvisor-buys-citymaps-to-deepen-location-based-activities-marketing/?utm_campaign=Daily+Newsletter&utm_source=hs_email&utm_medium=email&utm_content=33393366&_hsenc=p2ANqtz-9HM48x2dg_wuRntKmfNkImB5HYNMJAtowl3kgGY_9XlZ2z3jFlsaAN3I2FV2TYiJ06O-qTmfskt_84vJODac12Mo5vDw&_hsmi=33393366
Techniques — Facebook is changing its Ad blocker Service
Live Show 55 recap—
Robert Cole
Edward StOnge
Holly Zoba
Minute 5 — Red Lion Partners with Expedia for Loyalty Program: http://www.hotelbusiness.com/GuestServices/RLHC-Partners-with-Expedia-for-Loyalty-Program/54896
Minute 15 — Discussion about membership relationships and there value, — the great free pizza discussion get a higher tier first and strive to keep it rather than struggling to attain a higher tier without its rewards till you achieve it.
Minute 21 — Expedia value Ed discusses first trip use and Expedia creates its value for that discovery.
Minute 25 — How does that work into the Red Lion value proposition.
Minute 27 — brand degradation and why some brands need to shift there flags then a discussion of brand types and value they represent.
Minute 37 — Quick discussion about Travelclick state of the industry show recap — Destructive Demand Management / Skewed GDS data?
Minute 42 — Holly starts discussion about Signature Series and what it is and what it does.
Minute 52 —  Playback of a bad call — and subsequent discussions
Minute 56 — Playback of a good call — and subsequent discussions
Minute 73 — Signature Worldwide pricing and services types plus discussion about the real value of its ROI
Minute 76 —  Robert leads the discussion about how Facebook has updated its technology to fundamentally bypass ad blockers.
However, Facebook is also giving users more control over what you see – if you share an expanded list of preferences, you won’t see irrelevant ads. BUT – You are also giving Facebook more information to target you with ads…
Minute 77 — Ed’s excellent statement of self serving Ad paradigm
Minute 78 —  Ed’s insight about the real value of why this Facebook change is a good thing
Minute 83— Discussion about the shift or Retail values to experience values and how we need to focus on the message to the identified audience.
Minute 89 — Membership question about what it should really be for this new emerging values of experience driven travel, the true value of being made to feel special is the key.
Minute 96 — Displacement cost of discounting rates verses giving value add’s, amores and fire pit discussions
Minute 104— Meta on top of MetaSearch article quick discussion https://www.tnooz.com/article/tripadvisor-google-hotel-metasearch/
Minute 105 — Digital Marketing Budget Simulator discussion www.hospitalitydigitalmarketing.com/marketing-budget-simulator
Remember — you can find us on Google play / apple iTunes / talkshoe / soundcloud / Stitcher no matter which one you may use, if you like the show please rate us and leave a comment. Also if this is your first time hearing us, you can subscribe to our show on any of those platforms as well. For an archive of all previous podcasts you can go to hospitalitydigitalmarketing.com/podcasts and don’t forget our live video talk show that you can join and participated in every Friday at 10:30 central US time, called “this week in hospitality digital marketing show”. on huzza.io or simply go to https://hdmagency.wpengine.com/live/

Founder / CEO of Hospitality Digital Marketing

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