Hospitality Marketing the Podcast Show 251 May 29th 2020
Hospitality Marketing the Podcast Show 251
Hospitality Marketing the Podcast Show 251 Transcripts (English U.S.)
Announcer — Welcome to this week in Hospitality Marketing. The podcast Show number 251 with your host, Loren Gray. Hello, everyone, and welcome to hospitality marketing The podcast. I am your host, Loren Gray, and this is episode number 251. So each week we spent around 20 to 30 minutes sharing the most interesting tools, news and techniques being used in marketing for the hospitality industry. We also do a quick recap of our weekly live video show this week in Hospitality Marketing, which also airs every Friday at 11:30 a.m. Eastern U. S time. So with that, let’s get started.
Announcer — And now today’s new Resource Tool. So we always start with our tools, and we have several of them today and you’ll see why. Because they’re connected to our technique, which actually thereafter and our tools. This for week for review are a luga dot com translate dot google dot com and the Fleek ap f l e que dot io How do these three come together? Well, let me first explain what each does as a tool. ALuga is a translation app. Now it’s, I think, at the base of its beginning of creativity.
It doesn’t allow you to actually audio contracts late taking what was said and then having a I audio translate that what it does do, however, which is very time consuming and arduous process is that it will transcribe what you do for audio, and then you choose the language you would like to transcribe it into by segments. Now, for any of those out there that do their own audio translations or audio tracking and and close cashing and so forth, the process is always the more challenging of getting the translation to be close to being accurate.
So you have to make sure that the translator actually is pretty darn good. Correct for what isn’t good. Then go back and then making sure that it gets translated to the language that is as normal sounding as possible via the translator itself and then matching those up so that there, in time sequins and then putting them into a video are putting him back into a video. This Aluga platform actually allows you to also host the videos, analyze that to be used that you can choose the audio of the language that you’re looking to buy having an outside service provider give you an audio translation, which at this point is sending them just a script.
So you send them the script they recorded in their native sound, and that gets put back in, if you would like the audio as well. If not, then this could do a wonderful job of doing multiple language subtitles. Sub captions to it on And I’ll tell you why we’re bringing this into the conversation to the the second, which you can and has been around for a while. And it is free is translate dot google dot com is Google’s translator. Now you can take a ah batch of text and put it in to Google.
Translate, and then it’ll translate it quite literally, to the language of your choice. And it will even play back the audio Ford on a breathtakingly or breathless staccato, where there’s no natural pauses are in these, you can tell it’s a machine just reading this back to you with no no spaces for breath or inflection or in intuition or anything. This is good if you just need to translate text back between languages, and even then it is really, quite literally doesn’t have any sort of customization as to the natural language that you’re asking to put it into.
It’s just simply will give a rendition of taking the literal English and putting into the literal Spanish, French or whatever language that you’re putting it into. It has baseline functionalities, but it’s also at many times the source of a lot of fun jokes, because sometimes the translations is by far are not close to what they should have been. And you not knowing that language can make a big faux pas by translating it into it. So it is a useful tool in the context of its limitations. And the third is a platform application called Fleek f l e que dot io.
Now we’ve used this platform in discussions before for creating FAA cues and engagements and the cool part. Why I’m bringing into this conversation is that it has really been expanding a lot of its tool capabilities, and you can do a lot of meat. F accuse Winkie’s boards, courses, all these kind of things. But it also doesn’t alternative languages, which is really nice if you’re trying to help somebody discover through your website with their own native language. That’s a great tool to kind of visually and audibly and text translate that into a more comfortable language for them. Andi.
That’s why all three of these kind of lumped together because we’re on tour next section, which is now for this week’s hospitality technique,
Announcer – Now for the technique of the week. And that is translations, transcriptions, foreign language. Oh, my! Trying to do little was a vase thing there. The reason I bring all this it is, we know during our current timetable of travel that international travel is borders are closed. It’s it’s nobody’s really having strong interest in unless there’s a functional need for it at this point. Business wise family visiting What have you Ah, a lot of countries looking to just bust out ASU’s were given the opportunity to say I can travel to a different country or so forth, given our own level of safety concerns.
We’ve had that conversation many times, both in the podcast and also on the live show as to what that level of safety and security is an individual thing, as some people are, they just want to get out of, Susan told they’re not gonna be breaking the law by doing so. And then there’s others that are just going to wait until they can finally take off the gloves and mass Nothing. They’re gonna catch something because there another people. So there’s this whole pendulum of polarity as to how people decide to make their travel.
But in the meanwhile, of that entire process is a massive amount of discovery and penned up interest. People are taking the time to thoroughly look at what their options are thoroughly look at what they’re interested in doing and to get in front of those people, especially international travelers. Having a non native language website on Lee limit your capability of getting into those those those communities. Now we know and have known for a long time that multiple Ingles aspects of a website are really helpful. For Seo search engine optimization and discovery.
People do like to research in their native language. There’s English is a predominant language, of course online, but it’s not the most helpful language for those that it’s a second language for, ah, lot of times their ability to discover research and learn and the S e o function of being able to be shown up for is based on the fact of you have alternate language capabilities on your website. Now goes a little bit beyond the website because we know that here on what we look at online now is very visual.
It’s very much about seeing and experiencing and looking at it now. If in fact, that was videos that you’re creating about all your local destination information, things to do, where to go, all that fun stuff that’s the incentive for discovery have come to my city. Come to my destination is only in a single language, and somebody is not as comfortable in the English language as we are by making him, then they’re missing out on a huge opportunity. Justus, if you were toe watch Ah, foreign language film or foreign language video, you wouldn’t really necessarily know what they’re talking about now.
Visually, you can see about what they’re talking about, but not necessarily what’s unique about it. Or what is it that they’re trying to explain to you because of the language. Very barrier to that. Now, of course, you could get your own translators and pull all that information out and we play it back for yourself and so forth. That’s a lot of work, even if you’re not certain whether you actually want to know that or not. Well, the same obstacle exists for them. There is a lot of people within their countries.
They’re gonna want to come to the states or come to Canada on going toe. Want to understand what it is that they want to be there for what they want to experience and do if you can use the tools. I just mentioned the logo. The Google translate the athlete in combinations. That’s whether they’re together. You can create video dialogue in a native language, in German, in French, in Spanish, in Chinese in ah, 131 languages and beyond. If you would like and this gives them the chance to understand what your video is about.
They play it and they hear their own language. Now, if you have a spokesperson or somebody’s speaking, and obviously they’re speaking in English, we’ve seen that before. It’s an overdub. It’s you hear it in the background faintly that you know that they and you could listen to it. If you understand English, want if you listen to it on its own or you could this listen to the translated language that you’ve created for that? And that’s what those tools come in. You can take the Luga, take a video that you’ve done off, say, local interesting attractions that you’ve had put it into a Luger.
Break it down into the transcriptions of what was said by the spokesperson throughout the video segment. Those out translate those segments. Maybe if you’re interested in replacing the audio with an audio that’s of a native speaking person, go in going five or pick somebody update says. Here is the transcript. Read this and do that following paces, although the platform doesn’t allow somebody plug in if you know some of the areas, speaks that language, and they could just read the sections as it comes up, which is almost even easier in that sense.
But create that language for the video and then put the roomy part is, is that all the medicines, tagging and descriptions are also in that native language, and Google treats each video in a different language as a different video. So you have the opportunity to really have a Spanish video talking about your destination, a German or French or whatever languages you feel and this goes back to your demographics, goes back to your search crews, goes to your website, said what countries are looking at our market, what country is looking at my website and see which languages might be the most beneficial, and you have to go crazy and I have 55 language you have to. Three.
High level of a language is because if you look at some of the smaller ones, there’s just not enough traffic. Toe warned. This type of level of work and it is work. This isn’t a plug and play hit a button. It comes back to you a little bit later. You do have to take pieces out, put pieces in put pieces together. But the platform, like a luga, gives you a place to do all that and hosted, and how’s it translate? Google helps you make sure that you can refine the translations correctly, even if they are literal, so that you know that what’s being translated is correct, or at least in comparison to something else.
And then also with Fleet, you have the building that you visually are engaging somebody by driving them are directing through an F A Q or through a series of videos that are connected to each other based on content. That’s a wonderful platform to do that as well. Also in the native language is that you’re choosing from so the three tools of Luga A L u G h a dot com duck and then translate dot google dot com and Fleek. F l e que dot io are the tools that were talking about when it comes.
Translations, transcriptions, foreign languages. Oh my! And that is our technique of the week.
Announcer — Now this week’s hospitality news that you should know. Okay, so news and show review we had a really content filled show this week was a lot of fun. Our guest co host guest co host was Jason Freed, who started Hospitality Recovery. 2020 is a phenomenal writer, has been a great press reporter for the industry for many, many years, had a long pedigree of that through a variety of different, well established, um, producers of content. Four.
Hospitality decided through all of this, as all of us do through these troubled times, as his clients were pausing him because of the lack of business necessary. He decided to create a new venture, which was hospitality recovery 2020 where he aggregate a lot of his great co co workers or authors. I should say great content writers in creating helpful, usable information related to the covert crisis were in and what you need to know. I learned from whatever platforms they could find and gather accurate, reliable resource is four.
So Jason was with us, which inspired a lot of fun conversations. We also had been Henley with three and six agency out of England. We also had misled Leetmaa, Carmen with T CRM services and things up Enterprises. And we had Tim Peter with Tim. Peter and Associates trusted Heywood, also with 33 6 out of England. We had Stuart Butler. We always could have complained that he, even though he sounds English, she’s not really from their body, actually is. But he is based in Myrtle Beach with fuel travel, and then Mr Edward ST Onge, who is the president of flip to F L I p dot t o.
So we had really good content. Um, after listening a little bit of Jason as to where it came from, what he was trying to do with his platform. We started into some fun conversations of what? What’s happening between brand and independent, what direction each one hotel is gonna go coming through the process of covert, where Brand has not been, is helpful or is capable of being helpful to the brand constituencies as we feel that they could have been. Is that going to be a shift in independent hotels, one of the A D flag?
Or is that a shift for independent host of become flag because of the problems that they had on the independent side, being ill prepared to market themselves on their own as much as they need to do or whether they were closed? And they need the brand relationship to think they’re going to come back to market? Um, we did have some wonderful conversations splintering up what we meant by wartime versus peace time marketing needs the difference between how we used to market before the covert crisis toe how we are now, where before we were farmers, today we have to be hunters, Uh, and the difference between how we did marketing before the current conditions are as they are and what we need to be doing now.
And the adaptive nous that we need be in was a really neat conversation. With that. We also won over kind of tramped and stumbled on trip Advisor the pros and cons, their loss of identity, their future value proposition of what they may or may not be able to become in the future to bring about which direction they take. Lots of conversation around that. We also talked about how, from that conversation, how reviews will play in the Post Cove it We already know that their social vigilantes out there that, as brands say, this starts theater.
That’s what we’re doing. And you see all these little videos or people walk around with phones going, knowing what this brand and it’s not here. And you know, they’re not wearing this, and I’m not doing that. And they said that they are, but they’re not. So we have. Remember, we have that social beast that’s going to be a part of our lives has been a part of our lives. But even more so as people begin to point and indicate whether or not it is what people say they are.
We’re doing what we say we’re going to be doing, and we’re doing it in the way that we told people they could trust us to do it in. So what we’re views play in that. How does that change the scope of what people say about, you know, social rating scores and what have you? Um, Then we’re also talking about what your revenue strategy should be, how your evidence ties should be what you write of a new strategy. Focus should be on. Lily. Let a lot of that conversation because that’s course, their forte when it comes to her businesses she owns as to the adaptive nous of what property management has to be now and the collaborative nous more so than ever, it’s not even before Cove it It was still a you know you want to understand, were supposed to work together sales, marketing and revenue management.
Now it’s if you aren’t our have it or are you have never done it before. You’re behind everyone else. That has, that is it is a basic need that the departments work together. We talked about the fact that if you’re looking for a reopening schedule, you’re already behind everyone because you should be doing a pre opening schedule. Everything about making sure your sales team are sitting back behind desks, reaching back out to the groups that you lost because of the events trying to see when you can.
We book them back, get somebody, answer those phone calls of people asking because of now more than ever in president. In comparison to third parties, people want to hear from the hotel. What are you doing? What steps are you taking? How is it that you’re making me feel safe by staying with you? And that can’t be done as easily through 1/3 party? Because, just like brands, it’s easy to say, but it’s hard to validate, so more so than ever, you need a presence at the hotel that’s handling that increased direct communication and to leverage those direct channels.
This is a channel time for maybe possible channel shift. Lily was great and pointing out that you know you can still control usage of unconstrained demand by leaving, allowing allocations to exist on platforms, but keep them well controlled because this is a chance to maybe mitigate driving Mawr business to your direct channels. More affordable channels. Now more than ever, knowing that the third parties ot A’s Airbnb, he’s all those are holding back on their advertising spends until there’s a MAWR. There’s a greater inventory availability in more markets for them to actually advertise four.
So they’re kind of holding back on their advertising. And they’ve made these announcement before plus, well, Snow Expedia’s that made the announcement that they’re at war with Google and that they’re reducing their spend with Google because they realize that Google is simply just taking money away from them by being in front of them online, so to speak, when it comes to discover ability, import disability. Ah, and then, you know, we talked about Google being even more of a no ta now than it ever has before. It is emerging out of covitz timeframes here as the winner of the dialogue, just like Theo teas did 9 11 So to now, is Google coming out of this?
So we had some fun dialogues about that, and the article that I wanted to bring up was one that we didn’t get to talk about Robert presented. He ran really late with the list, so we didn’t get to introduce into our conversations, but it was a lively conversation. Unless and publican have any room for us. We want to spend the whole day on the live show. And this is an article from Cody’s Blood, which is a great block. And I love the tagline for it of seven virtues and sins for Cove in 19 hotel advertising.
And we went through these in several discussions without even knowing that we had. We kind of covered a lot of these. We discussed first the seven virtues that Cody Reefer recommends promoting flexible cancellation. Yes, we’ve talked about putting your your pre purchase. Nonrefundable is on the shelf, although even to this end little point out that some hotels haven’t changed their their policy farther down the road. And it says it’s going to be a slow down on those bookings of those those ones thinking that I think people are planning on that.
They want to cancel A still could cancel anyway. They’re just taking the value proposition of the rape. Second is encouraging domestic adventures. Absolute localized adventure we call the tether driving market. Busta don’t drive market. There’s a whole conversation we had about that on the show. We enforce the accessibility and transportation amenities, absolutely leaning into alternative destinations. People were looking for less dense places to go to just so they may be reduced their their exposure risk for those who have that version right now, still at a higher level than others, Um, leveraging booking window trends by far.
We need to know when and how where people are looking for in the windows of opportunity there ab, which was part of our reason why we run in our tools today with the language, capabilities and so forth. We know now that there’s a lot of people looking for foreign travel and they’re researching war and longer because if they’re going to get out of the house and go to the one place that they’ve been dying to get to the winter with that one places and giving them the natural language capability of learning and it being educated by you is a very helpful tool.
That so That was one of the reasons why I was inspired to bring all those tools together today. Ah, communicating, cleaning protocols by far. One of the recommendations that I’ve been with my clients and went round round table and was thought was a decent idea is letting you have the chance to have your own voice walk through your property but the handheld video just off your phone or whatever, as anything we’ve come to learn from going through this process. If late night shows and we run by phones and somebody’s down basement, we have a new normal when it comes to videography.
Doesn’t have to be overly produced cinematic Nothing. It just has to be visually engaging without it being distracting where it’s bouncing around or being dropped or bad audio or what have you is always got decent audio. Good state enough hand that you can see what you’re trying to point it at its great. And this is a chance for you to as that we’ve done with our clients share your video. Hi. Welcome. Well, this walking through notices plexi glass under front desk when you get into your room, you know, housekeeping into your room for the entire time your stayed here.
Unless, of course, you call it in. You know, if you hear a multi night stay. But my blah, this is no pens, pads, whatever. This is Haiti breakfast on the way where we used to have a buffet. Now we have It is a box. You pick it up. Whatever it is, you visually show this. So people understand what you’re doing to make them feel safe and comfortable in their travel. And the last of their seven virtues is managing occupancy to align with state and local policies. A. All too often you’re seeing a lot of again going back to social media and reviews.
People were showing these videos of restaurants that by no means doing social distancing destination. Places that are totally packed is if the world was business back to normal again. So in any way that you can to make sure that you don’t get caught in that bad view of Look at this. I got 1000 people in the hallway, my pools packed, my restaurants packed, you know, and we’re not following the state and local policies. That’s bad coverage for you. So don’t do that. Are the seven sins very quickly not leveraging the right metrics?
The world has changed is the last time you may have run marketing when you close down or shut down what you were doing for your hotel, which is bad enough to do anyway. But the fact that you trying to come back to us one flip the lights on is not gonna happen. You’re pointing at the wrong direction. The world and the marketing that people are looking for, who you’re looking through. Market are completely different than the ones that were before this of Ah, terrible event happened. Um, second, not showing up one with when customers are ready, that goes back into you know what you have for inventory?
What you’re saying you have making sure that your service levels don’t go beneath your your occupancies. Um, see, the 3rd 1 leading with a cheap rate messaging rate and date stuff are gone. Don’t talk about I got a great rate date that just doesn’t make any sense to anybody these days. Don’t even walk about talked about that. Not communicating. Silence is not golden. Silence is not helpful in silence is not gonna get your people to trust you, not telling them what’s going on about your policies, your your changes, your conditions, your cancellations.
All those things will be a kiss of death for you. Um, again, over servicing. Making sure that that what you do is not out of protocol different that jeopardizes. We talk about the linen service not having someone come into the room while somebody still there doing scheduled housekeeping. If it’s a multi night stay, there’s every hotel every hotel brand has a different means of how they’re approaching this. Mostly a similarity, but putting linen out at the front door if you want to change your own linens two I’m okay.
Having someone come in to do it are all variations also to some hotels don’t want expose their staff. And they’re like, No, we’re not going to change your your bed. If you want the bed linen change. We’re gonna give you the linen to do it. We apologize. Boom. About. Here it is. Um, another. Is this over? Assuming customers are ready, they’re not. There are some that are disregard. There’s some that are overly cautious. There’s a whole spectrum of people in every one of them is gonna walk in your door differently, so you can’t just treat everyone as the same.
And that they’re ready to accept the new norm. This isn’t new. Normal. This is just new, and everyone coming in has to feel like what they air worried about. You can tailor your your servicing, too. So don’t assume that all your customers are ready and losing hope. This is not a time of losing hope. This is not a time to say that I won’t be able to bring the business back. On the contrary, the desire to re appreciate what we as an industry have been given all these years is a joyous time in one way, and that is the rediscovery of what is at our core.
And that is hospitality, our ability to serve to make people feel comfortable when they’re not at home. It is a chance for us to rediscover. That is that we’re not just Retz and investment block buildings and so forth that were actually an industry that provides the joy in people’s lives that the joy of being want to discover and experience new places, new new things and feel safe about doing it brings us back to the core. Who we are. The innkeeper on the side of the road between two towns or whatever.
It’s our chance to go over and be those people once again that enjoy the satisfaction in being having the heart of the servant. So those of seven sins against the Seven virtues from the Cody Bond. The blogged great article, Of course, that link and all links associated with what we talked about today are available of the show notes. Remember, you can find us on Google Play Apple iTunes I heart radio Soundcloud stitcher Spotify, the Liska Pandora. The list goes on. Up to 37 different platforms were located even on Amazon.
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You’re more than welcome to join and participate with us. It’s every fight. 11 30 Eastern called this weekend Hospitality Marketing the live show. You can find that on any platform and also podcasts as well, and you can simply go to hospitality. Digital marketing dot com ford slash live. You can subscribe there as well or center for the next upcoming episode, which is Betley B i t dot L y four slash HTM show 252 again, Thank you for the privilege of your time and we look forward to talking to you next week.
You have been listening to this week in Hospitality Marketing, the Podcast show 251 brought to you by Hospitality Digital Marketing in support of the HSM II, the Hospitality Sales and Marketing Association. International rights reserved copyright 2020
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