Hospitality Marketing The Podcast Show 247 May 1st 2020
Hospitality Marketing The Podcast Show 247
Hospitality Marketing Podcast 247 Transcripts (English U.S.)
Announcer — Welcome to this week in Hospitality Marketing. The podcast show number 247 with your host, Loren Gray. Hello, everyone, and welcome to hospitality marketing the podcast. I’m your host, Loren Gray, and this is episode number 247. So each week we spent around 20 to 30 minutes sharing most interesting tools, news and techniques being used in marketing for the hospitality industry. We also do a quick recap of our weekly live video show this week in Hospitality Marketing, which also airs every Friday at 11:30 a.m. Eastern U. S time so that lets get started.
Announcer — And now today’s new resource tool, so are tool for review This week is one that I just recently started reusing to create dynamic content or dynamic interaction, I should say on my website or a website for one of my clients. It’s called if dash so dot com, www dot if dash s o dot com. So what exactly is this? Well, the fun part of out of it is is that it’s actually more of a conditional interaction for your guests when they come to your website. Now, there have been other platforms that we’ve discussed creating in front of contact context, so that if they come from an email from your from your serum interfaces that they see certain pieces of content on your website that somebody not coming from that link would not necessarily see.
And they adds augmentation to those pages, and that’s all finding good. This does that plus a lot more what it does it. It has built in analytics and so forth, but it has conditional relationships. For instance, how cool would it be that if somebody from one of your future markets using being just from the fact that there from that geo location, by coming to your website, you know that they’re in the evening versus the afternoon versus the morning is a good afternoon? Good morning, good evening. Whatever.
You could also go over and give them relevant content may be more pertaining to their travel interest from that feeder market, whether it’s because of an event that usually comes from that market to see event with yours, whether it’s because of a type of travel for that type of year, whatever it may be, Geo, occasionally one faction it could be a starting in date. Scheduled content is between ranges of dates so that the content changes on a site based on whether it’s a weekday versus weekend. You can schedule content to drop in and out, depending upon cycles of traffic coming to your site.
You can change languages if you’d like. You can create dynamic links that are different because of other condition. ALS. You can do referral source, whether it’s from an email that you sent on ad that you placed, whether it was on the Facebook adverse. Is that Google adverse? Is it Instagram ad? They could have different messages of content on the same page, so creating dynamic content now imagine to that that content change also means putting in different images if they’ve come because they clicked on the link on your email from a family offer versus a military offer versus a business traveler offer that could creek conditional changes of the content that they see on that page pictures relevant to the purpose of their interest in your hotel or resort or restaurant, depending upon then compared to just generalized.
Hopefully it’s similar to what they’re interested in relevant content. It also reduces your navigation requirement by not having to have a link to everything or a tree of navigation with people have to navigate through or step through multiple clicks to get to the content that’s most relevant to them. It gives you the opportunity for single entry dialogue with dynamic content. So the tool this week is, if dash so dot com and now off to our techniques now for this week’s hospitality technique. Okay, so our technique is tied to a tool, as we always do.
But this relevancy is more beyond just what the tool, if so, does duck. If Dr if death so dot com does, it’s more about, as the technique for the title to this week is creating a dynamic content website strategy. Now, in the examples of talking about what the tool, if Daschle does, gave some pertinence as to what the value proposition of creating dynamic content would be on your website, there are several factors at play with this beyond just the relevancy you I experience of the guests coming to your website, there is the functional capability of reducing the navigation requirements of your guests interaction.
Most people in marketing make the mistake that their advertisement. They try to shoehorn too much detail and two encompassing in the ad itself, driving them to a conversion point that is too simplistic, narrow from that it’s front loaded advertising with a back end conversion. This is actually reversing it to more, more relevant advertising capability. And that is your ad is the trigger of interest, but it brings it to the back loaded content most relevant to the trigger of interest them explain. So if I put an ad out for a family travel offer that has inclusive packaging, Twitter inclusive value proposition to it of be able to use different amenities and things, or the value proposition of bringing a family at a certain age level to my hotel, most bad advertisement really crams that into the ad.
You know that kids will love this because of this, that there’s there’s There’s so much to the ad that most people don’t actually trigger that click on. And the only thing that they’re brought to is the booking engine, with another brief description about what they just read within called Action of Book Now, I didn’t learn enough yet. I didn’t understand enough about the resort, perhaps, or the destination? Or why would I be interested in this other than the mild interest, I have kids of that age that I would be thinking about traveling with them with something that similarly looks like what your ad was talking about.
But I need more info. So our historical solution to that would be that we would drive them to a landing page within the Web site that would have a larger, expanded piece of content so you could reduce the amount content you need to put on your ad and then drive them to a specific page relevant to that offer. But it’s still pushing a call to action. It’s still saying, Hey, you came here because of what we’re talking about with this offer. So here’s all the stuff about the offer they still need to discover if the resorts what they’re interested in, if the quality is there.
If the diversity of services, the reviews, the images, all those things that help validate the decision process for them to do that, they have to step out of that offer page, which has the detail about the offer. That’s not the problem, but they didn’t have to step into your website to learn all the things that they would need to trigger the response of Hey, you know what? I do want to buy this, then have to go back and go back to the offers page again, usually either through the ad that they had and or they have to backtrack through the navigation because being that these air unique offers to ads, it isn’t in your standard Web sites.
Navigation profile It isn’t in the wire framing of the of the hotel of the website, or they have to go through the booking engine and then go back to find the page for anyway. You’re creating user interface issues. You’re making them have to navigate their way through your process by creating dynamic content for your website fins that down. So in the same scenario, Adis still your action item. It’s still saying this is really cool stuff. Click here to find out more, but when they come to the site, the data is there about the offer in its context.
But it is also still your main website, or the entry point that you want them to come to to your website that is now wrapped around why they came there. The images air family friendly. The content is family friendly. The triggers of interest of what else about the hotel that makes it a family friendly hotel are on that page dynamically so that they’re in one entity. They’re getting to understand your resort or hotel and also still connected to the offer that brought them there and to their reading, reaffirmed as to why they would be willing to consider then going to your booking engine to make the conversion based on radiative availability and so forth and dates.
So you’ve thinned down the need for them to navigate you thin down them, having to rediscover aspects of what is your product in relationship to their value proposition. So that’s where creating dynamic content for your Web site is very powerful. Now I apologize. This is really to the benefit of independent hotels or those that have control over their websites. Brands do not have this latitude of discovery. They certainly can’t create dynamic content insertions to their mothership brand representation. They have to fall back on a different strategy, and that is too lean, heavier on their social content and driving adds that.
Go to your social content, Darling adds to your posts. Driving adds to your dialogue on social, which will fulfill that relationship Understanding of the website, saying OK, look, here’s our ad about this offer, and it points towards a social dialogue or social post that you have about more detail about that package. Now they’re still on your brand site. There’s the booking offer. It’s in your strategy that can go. And if they want a book now, or see what the offer details, rate availability rate and date availabilities air there, they still have that action button there.
But if they want to know more about your hotel, you can amplify the discussion about the purpose of their travel brother. Be family business, However, by introducing the first to the dialogue more specific to it rather than just send him to the mothership website that is statically. Here’s our hotel. Here is pretty pictures of our rooms. Here’s pretty pictures of our common areas. Here’s our locations and here’s our, you know, book your book. If you want to book something, it’s very sterile when it comes to going over in engaging with your content associated with your brand website.
So if you concert your social dialogue into tailoring the message action Adam to the content discovery to the conversion website, then you can do similar to what the dynamic content for an independent hotel website will be. So with that, that is our technique of the week. Now this week’s hospitality news that you should know. OK, so news and show review um show review First show We had a really interesting cast. Co host Brian Henninger. He is the founder of rico max dot com. A reclamation company wouldn’t be my reclamation company.
They’re the guys that come in and clean up after the disasters, the floodings, the fires friendly there was only civilised as men on their for the early part of the chef. The presentation before little ma come join us and he referred to poop and we all giggled. It’s just to show you that even grown men have 12 year old mentalities. We did talk about the fact that they clean up behind all of that, but the real discussion with him was about with, of course, our current Situation Cove in 19.
What it’s going to take for hotels to sanitize and clean what really is the difference between fogging things, wiping things, spraying things, Wiping out, He talked about the variations of what those things that you referred to things called biofilm. What we leave in a Zen contact surfaces to places high touch versus low touch, high use versus low use. Um, needs for airborne forces contact and surface very detailed literally from the horse’s mouth as to they have to do these things ironically, referred to the fact that hotels that have been able to maintain operations are actually easier to clean and maintain than hotels that are gonna be coming out of in activity, where they have to doom or a thorough cleaning because of total, not knowing where what anything was and has been, Everything must be sanitized and clean where in a using hotel, you have your cycles of 12 cleaning and so forth.
Ah, we did ask several questions with me with my co host, Mr Edward Santos, from Flip to Mr Stuart Butler with Fuel Travel Ben Hanley and Tristan Hayward with Pegasus. 10 Peter with Computer Associates, Griffin Sandberg with screen pilot and little Markham it with tea CRM services. We get the chance to dialogue about what deeply versus daily cleaning is what persisting cleaning would be versus for reclamation cleaning work. You have to do some things all the time. Other things most of the time and certain things. Other times scheduled times and what that means between airborne versus contact surfaces versus high touch for surfers with low touch surfaces, types and textures of surfaces.
Really, I mean, strangely enough fascinating conversation about cleaning processes and profiles, and so far we spend a tremendous amount time with him on that. We did touch into articles that Mr Robert Cole from Rock Cheated did provide us. Robert was unable to attendance. He is now so wrapped up in data discovery for a lot of his clients that he has even said that it may be the near foreseeable future. He may not be able to join us for a while, but he does provide an amazingly excellent curated list that, if you would like to sign up for that, is very thorough.
Very excellent. Used to be only exclusively to the board members of HSM II, you can sign up for it a bit, Li bi i t dot l Y forward slash rock cheetah All lower case. And there you can sign up and get the weekly newsletter as we get it usually on Thursday, Thursday afternoon or evening. Hey, tries to at the last minute to get the latest information before distributing it. So with that, we get into the news section of this now. Normally, I just try to pick one news item, whether we touched it on this show or not.
But in actually this case, there’s three. And the reason why group these three together is because most of the content that Robert gave us is because he’s so much into the statistical analysis of the covert impact than the negatives and what what the region ality is of it are and the recoveries and the impacts to businesses and whose who’s got money who didn’t get money? Why did they get money? Those people didn’t get money a lot of negative, and we kind of made it the thing the Airbnb discussion about like we were talking about everybody so much.
For a while there, we said no more everything. Honestly, it’s an overused term for stuff that isn’t as impactful as we think it is, but people love harboring on it. What? We’re assuming the same thing with covered. We know it is bad and getting worse and will be still worse for a while. And this says we’ve been to see what’s happening will be able to do report Maura about numbers changing hopefully northward rather than southward. But these three articles were more about the realities of trying to look that in that forward vision, what exactly should we begin to consider as impacts on our future as to the industry what we will be doing in the future For the industry, the 1st 1 was the revenue management in Crisis Rise of the Humans.
This is an excellent linked in article by Robert Cross. It talked about Yes, it’s amazing as humans that we’re going to go over and actually be in a way smarter than our AI is for a while. We mentioned this very early on in the show’s in February that you should take a snapshot of what your forecast for what this year would have been had this not happened. What you had projected historically, because you’re gonna need to infuse those numbers into your future software. If you’re doing over every management system software next year so that you don’t get this skewed math mentality of looking at this this industry epic never before happened to us.
Numbers drop because the forecasting of what our machine friends will be doing is not going to be accurate. You need to tailor that with the human interaction, the human understanding of inference and impact and relevancy. It was a really nice article about the fact that the humans are gonna have to do that. We’re gonna look at the numbers, add those other numbers into it, extrapolated, interpret and in for, and we’re gonna have to throw the dart sometimes. And other times we’re gonna go over know how to hit the bull’s eye.
But humans inter faction will be a very probable component of that. The other was a very good discussion by Max. It standoff. Um, I was talking about technology and the recovery in the travel sector. Post Cove. It, um, this This is about ah lot of how we should begin to see and look at what impacts what covert has done for us and how it’s gonna be invented impacting the business travel sector. Obviously, we understand that not all business travel is going to return as to what level that’s going to come back.
He had some interesting studies. Is that how fast, based on X number of months forward ex member months forward, whether it even comes back within a year, two years where we hit another level again to what type of business traveler would be? But the idea that we now are familiar with Zoom. We’re familiar with Microsoft, and we’re really with Skype and all these other interaction platforms that can handle maybe a good portion of the heavy lifting associate with business dialogue. But we also know that it doesn’t keep the humanization of the interactions of business in play.
So his article is really about how soon business travel will get stepped back into based on the restrictions and rules that get changed as to how we fly the density of how we fly, the density of how we stay at hotels, that whether it would you know when and how conferences will be coming back in what capacity will be coming back with more virtual virtual engagement with technology really fascinating article on the technology recovering the travel sector, Post Cove, it and then the third article still keeping light of futuristic thought processes of what all this is going to mean for us was an article from the four season director of evolving guest behavior due to cover 90 will trigger technology shift the Four Seasons I t director which his name, Waas, uh, could take notes. Recovery.
Um, there we go. Sorry. Uh, yeah, as in SAB leash. My apologies. If I said it incorrectly brought up some very good points as to the use of mobile labs, contact wireless payments, Internet band with voice commands which we thought was going to be have diminished to use might be a higher use at this particular point. Virtual guest assistance key, less access, paperless menus, thermo CCTV cameras to sure that we’re watching all of our guests Is there in common errors to know whether or not we have the risk of infecting or hurting or harming our teams and other guest by a guest that may be unaware that they be They might be in trouble, health wise.
So all these different technologies as to how they play differently. Going forward in the future is by far something forward thinking to begin to consider. I know from my restaurant clients. And so if we’re talking about the paperless member amendment, this might be the rise of Q. R. U walks in a table, hit the QR code, have a menu pull up on your phone so you know what it is. You’re looking into order, and you just simply tell the server when they arrive. Who knows? Maybe that’ll even inspired and open up an online menu order that you tap with what you want and then audio wise, if there’s any variations to it that are not many specifics so that they could be transferred to the order as well.
There’s been APS out there like Tab. They allowed you to pay remotely on separate the tavern table and so forth. So maybe they will have a way of combining all this and Pos platforms will redesign how you engage with them New world, new world of different things, depending upon how we go through this process, going forward in the future so they have it. Remember, you can find us on Google play apple iTunes I heart radio soundcloud stitchers, Spotify Pandora Tune in Podcast Ago list goes on 37 different platforms, to be exact.
We’re even on Amazon. Alexa Google, assistant in Serie just asked to play the hospitality marketing podcast on this platforms, and I’m over which one you may use. If you like this show, please rate us and leave a comment that helps others find our content as well. And we’re up to about five or 7000 people. I thinks over their routes on a weekly basis. Thank you so much for everyone that does follow some of the different platforms. Also, this is your first time here. Yes, you can subscribe to our show on any of those platforms as well.
And for an archive of all of our previous podcasts, you go to hospitality, digital marketing dot com, forward slash podcasts. And don’t forget our live video talk show that you can join and participated every Friday at 11 30 Eastern U. S. Time called this week in Hospitality Marketing, the live show. And for that you simply go to hospitality. Digital marketing dot com ford slash live There you can register and also play back any of our previous 247 shows. And with that, I thank you for the privilege of your time and look forward to talking to you next week.
You have been listening to this week in Hospitality Marketing the Podcast show 247. Brought to you by hospitality, digital marketing and support of the HSMAI, the Hospitality Sales and Marketing Association. International rights reserved copyright 2020.
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