Hospitality Marketing The Podcast Show 267 September 18th 2020

Hospitality Marketing The Podcast Show 267 September 18th 2020

Hospitality Marketing the Podcast Show 267

Hello everyone and welcome to Hospitality Marketing the podcast, I am your host Loren Gray and this is episode #267 where each week we spend around 20 to 30 minutes sharing the most interesting tools, news, and techniques being used in marketing for the hospitality industry. We also do a quick recap of our weekly Live Video show “This Week in Hospitality Marketing” which also airs every Friday at 11:30 am Eastern US Time.. SO let’s get started;
00:01 — Our tools for review this week are; / / /
00:08— Our Technique this week is; “’Old School’ sales in a new world of tech”
00:14 — News and Show Review
Amy Infante
Adele Gutman
Dean Schmit
Stephanie Smith
Lily Mockerman
Ben Hanley
Edward StOnge
Kat Mohammed
Ellis Connolly
Show Notes
00:02 — Introductions
00:08 — what is the new markets?
00:23 — How does the sales eco system work now in the world of convergence needs between disciplines
00:25 — 77% of all revenue developed takes 7 months to develop with 7-12 touch points
00:31 — The cadence is also variable according to the value of the inquiry as well as the dates of interest
00:35 — where are the current sources of business coming from
00:50 — Do what helps the client not what you can sell
01:17 — DO you feel that sales teams should be unfettered in their strategy?
01:30 — Kat announces her new career path
02:04 — Show ends
Track These 3 SEO KPIs to Make Better Marketing Decisions
Remember — you can find us on Google Play / Apple iTunes / iHeart Radio / Soundcloud / Stitcher / Spotify / Pandora / Tunein / Pocket cast /  Breaker / ACast and the list goes on, 38 and counting to be exact. We’re even on Amazon’s Alexa, Google Assistant and Siri, Just ask to play “ The Hospitality Marketing Podcast”  No matter which one you may use, if you like the show please rate us and leave a comment. That will help others find our content. Also if this is your first time hearing us, you can subscribe to our show on any of those 36 platforms as well. For an archive of all previous podcasts, you can go to and don’t forget our live video talk show that you can join and participate in every Friday at 11:30 Eastern US time, called “this week in hospitality marketing The live show”.  simply go to  Thank You for the privilege of your time. Talk to you next week!

Hospitality Marketing the Podcast Show 267 Transcripts (U.S.)

Announcer — Welcome to this week in Hospitality Marketing. The podcast show number 267th with your host, Loren Gray.


Hello, everyone. And welcome to hospitality Marketing The podcast. I am your host, Loren gray. And this is episode number 267. So each week we spend around 20 to 30 minutes sharing the most interesting tools, news and techniques being used in the marketing for hospitality industry. Well, to do a quick recap of our weekly live video show this week in Hospitality Marketing, which also airs every Friday at 11:30 a.m. U s time so that let’s get started.


Announcer — Now today’s new resource tools.


So our tools for review this week, as always, air connected to our future of technique of the week, and that is about sales tools. Um, there are some very good ones. There are some average ones, and there are some really not so good ones I’d like to feature, of course, the ones that I use, and I think that have a high value, their arm or than these. We could probably make several podcast episodes, but out of inspiration off our live show today, with guest host Amy InFonte with GitGo, came across the there’s a lot of undiscovered tools or a lack of awareness off how diversified the tools are in the market that we have right now.


That’s the benefit of the growth of technology. So let’s hit them. I have four of them I’d like to talk about today. I have a couple I’ve mentioned in other podcasts for a variety of topics, but now specifically towards techniques and tech for sales. So the first one I’d like to share with you that I personally use for what I do its sales flare dot com sales flair is a really excellent, um, platform two. Pretty much keep track of all the things that salespeople need to do to keep the conversation going.


Why are you talking to these people? Was the last thing you talked about with them. What is it that they’re interested in? What is the size and potential scope of the relationship should have come to fruition? What’s the timeline of that engagement? Plus, also, please help me remind myself as to when I need to talk to them next. What should I be talking to them next? What is it that we last talked about? Should they call me between now and when I call them back or reach out to them or reply to them or touch them or refer to them?


What are the social platforms that they’re engaged with? That I might want to monitor? What are the things that I wanna understand that that would impact their businesses so that I could reach out to them and say, Hey, I just noticed X twice in the news. You know, congratulations and or what the heck is going on with that, you know, is that making a negative impact with you? Whatever sales flair does all of that sales flair is one of those really cool platforms that allows you to work with and directly understand what it is that you are collaborating with at any particular time, which makes it really helpful when it comes to keeping track of that next tool is go pin go pin leads now go pin leads Eyes is really unique in the sense that allows you to use your It’s a plugin, and it allows you to use your map and then look for industries or business types, and it will Then, out of all the pins that air there, it will go over and pull all the information of emails associate ID with those pins.


So in, for instance, I want to reach out to a particular business type in geography. And so I said, I wanna talk to all, uh, manufacturers, uh, roof manufacturers in an area. I’m just gonna pick something arbitrary, not hospitality directly related. Well, not. Let’s just restaurants. Let’s just go restaurants, restaurants in the area, or degree in restaurants in the area and then pull these pins up and then off to the side. It will put all the emails associate ID with those restaurant pins that pulled up and you change the map size and, of course, will change the pins number pins.


And then you can extract that list and use that as a custom audience in Facebook or indoor paper paid ads to target those people with all the democratic fee that you would know about them. I wouldn’t necessarily reach out to them directly on email because that is unsolicited communication. Unless you have a direct thing that you could give them or done business with them. But it does give you a nice, great starting point to create custom audiences with because obviously those emails, especially with those businesses, means that directly related so you can tailor a message specific to them if you are familiar with what I’m referring to in custom audiences.


But Facebook, we have a podcast for that. Uh, just look for search on my side for Facebook custom alliances, and you’ll see the podcast, the top of the refer specifically to them. The third tool that I want to refer to, which I use the but drinkers out of finds that lead. Now find that lead, uh, is spooky Kari. First, it’s a plug-in for chrome, and what that does is wherever I go toe a company or business, uh, that, you know, go to their website. I can use that plugin, pop it down, and it will pull every email associated with that company.


And, uh, that’s pretty cool, because immediately I can see who’s associate with that company Now. Obviously, when you’re looking at people’s emails, there’s a confidence issue. It has an algorithm that looks at and associates names and the domain that’s used for emails and so forth. So there is that possibility that one that may not still be there, too. Their title may have changed. Three. Um, the assumption of the name categorizations incorrect. So you have to do an authentication process, and that’s what you really need to shift over to the main platform.


The main platform allows you to put in ah, a whole host of information. One is, uh, instead of just taking that one domain and seeing who is associated with it, you now have the opportunity to geographically define where you’re interested down to the city. Yeah, his industry type business type by business name, title type, size of the company, all of those air filters that you can add in collaboration or exclusion of each other, and you get an email list. And from that email list, you then create a verification process, and we’ll go through and give you confidence factors that this is 50 60 80 90% right on whatever it is for verifying their emails.


You can then select the level of verification, and I always try to go for the maximum verification, because why wasted on going over and finding inaccurate emails and pull that list out and do the same thing I just mentioned with making custom audiences out of Facebook or in your paid campaigns with custom audiences, which is really, really, really useful. Uh, use that quite a lot for developing targeted industry-specific or company size databases, Uh, for geography is that I want to talk to him, and then the last one is a plug into your website, which is very different for your analytics or different from your other tracking.


And that is called Albacross. Albacross is a platform that will track what companies go to your website, not people but companies. And so it will tell you if the IBM came to your website and if so, it will tell you the physical address of IBM. It’s gross incomes, the physical address, you know, of the information about the business itself that I was able to be garnered. Plus, also, what’s really cool is it will show you where it went to on your site. What pages they looked at, much like the funnel for your analytics.


Where did they go? What did they look at? What did they click on, but really cool part of it, too, is on a contract basis. It, too, will extract all of the context associated with that company, their title and also their social links. If you want to go directly into finding a different medium for them to reach out to, there’s, ah, whole host of filters on this as to type of company geography, of company, size of company industry type that allows you to really get very granular about what companies may come to you.


So for those companies that touch your site but may not interact directly with you, maybe their enquiring looking or what have you, you have the ability to see who they were and then redefine your messaging and then targeting and be specific to reaching out to them for that point. So Alba Cross is, uh, one of my go to tools for good gosh, so many things. When it comes to that, it really is an excellent platform. So all those are by dot com just, you know, sorry, I should tell you that you are all strings for the sales floor dot com.


Go pin leads dot com. Find that lead dot com and Albacross dot com. Are four feature tools this week that brings us to our technique of the week


Announcer –Now for this week’s hospitality technique.


So our technique this week the title is old school sales in a new world, a tech so being a little long in the tooth in the industry, so to speak. I’ve been around for a while. With this, I I could go back to the days where Rolodex meant something on. We kept track of our dialogue maybe on a note pad, maybe on a personal p d A. Where we would record ourselves or talk to ourselves or type in and our contact list was everything, especially from sales.


Your contact list in sales Was your life blood? Uh, you actually, that was your calling card. Should you try to change where you were working by how many contacts did you know? How well did you know them? Would they pick up the phone? Should you call them? Would they answer? Ah, male that you would send them not email mail. Did you send them? Eventually was email. Okay. How well were you engaged with these people. And your rolodex, was your life, Uh, your rolodex information as to how and when you talk to them and everything.


Everything was written in longhand. It was like a Bible. It was like, Oh, my gosh, was my contact book. It was a fat book with little notes stuck to it and tape and everything else that was that was your life blood when it came to this. Well, it’s no different now, except for you don’t need the role of action. You don’t need the big fat calendar and look back and scroll is, too when you have all this. Now everything’s tack. And yes, we have worked our way through the Microsoft Outlook phase, and we have created contact lists and so forth, but we haven’t created up until recently, I say in the past few years, tickler files triggers all the things we used to do.


Old school that you know. How often did I reach out to them? What were their kids names? What were their birthdays? Um, when did they get promoted? What’s their anniversaries? What do they like for food when we send them gifts? What do they like when they stayed with us. What were their personal preferences of what they did when they stayed with us? What’s our what was the things that motivated them to purchase with us? Was it points for the brand, or was it amenities in the room, or, you know, what chat skis did we give them?


How did we meet them? What did we do with them? All of that is necessary in our current sales environment, but a lot of sales. People don’t know either the old techniques of how to engage with people and create that relationship building and or older people that know that don’t know the new techniques of how to really keep track of that. So there has to be this combination off old school techniques, the old relationship building. And, yes, we’re in a covert world right now. So the handshakes, the smiles, the hugs, the personal stuff is very hard to develop were on screens with tiles that look like Brady Bunch is.


You know, we’re talking to each other virtually, and we can’t do the handshaking, Zehr going over cocktails and talking and discussing business over a beer or meeting you at a conference and sidebar-ing some discussions as to future business potential. That’s all very much harder to do. So now it’s even more important than ever that we learn new technology techniques to recreate those relationships, to keep track of those relationships. Frequency and consistency are now much more important than they ever had been before. Before it was the building, the relationships and the personalization.


That, too, is important. But it has to be translated now into the technologies that people are using to interact with the texting, the emails, the virtual meetings and the face to face is and the dialogue via email. You know, we all know historically, always, even before it was emailed, it was written letters, how little and the feelings could get conveyed in in a written sentence a type sentence, so to speak, and that sometimes great misinterpretations come from what you intended to type versus how it was read on the recipients end, and you could use a Z much damage if not mawr, than benefits and help by saying it in a certain way, or implying a certain tone or quote unquote the old phrase read between the lines.


So it’s even more so more important to know that that you have to use all channels of communication all means to dialogue with people in a variety of ways for a variety of contexts. And that’s only done right now through technology that we talked about a couple of tools before this that help you track and maintain the understanding what you’re doing. But still, the old school prioritization of personalization, consistency, continuity, detail and relationship building is still as important now as it has ever been and needs to be translated even more so into the new using of tech that are available for us to monitor, track, defined, isolate, categorize and communicate with our future and current sales.


Uh, potential clients. So there you have it that old school sales in the new world of tech is our technique of the week. Now, this week’s hospitality news that you should know So news and show review. We had a wonderful co host with US guest co host Amy and Font with Who’s the CEO and co founder of Get Go Get Goes a sales training program, which again, to the theme of the day and out of that conversation We did come up with why I was going to do the podcast today about talking about sales tools because it was a gap point assed.


She talked about what people come to her for and what they tried toe learn is there’s a lot of people that understand the technologies now, but they don’t understand the methodology. And you know, so many people Up to a certain point. We were in a growth economy for many, many years, one of the things we’ve ever had in our history, and that’s fallen off the cliff and then into the chasm of despair and Aziz we talked. About over 80% of the people going into this pandemic had no previous experience in downturn economies.


To them, there was always the person behind them that that person they were talking to that was gonna want to give them the next order. They turned into order takers. They turned into phone answers or email answers or RP ri pliers. They didn’t really sell. They weren’t hunters, and that’s an old term that’s been brought back to life. They weren’t out trying to gather more business. They were taking the business that was there is no there were times. Obviously they’re sales people. They were trying to amplify the business that they got, but it really was relying upon what was our last renovation.


What’s our capacities? What’s our amenities? They really weren’t really being what old school was, and that is how does It take and get the business that we could get. A Moreover is none of it by being a hunter and aggressive person into the market space, some data better than others, but never to the old ways that it was done back when we had issues like what we’re dealing with right now on Lee, This is so much more worse than it has ever been before. But the 9 11 tragedies in the in the 2000 and eight financial downs and for those older the mid nineties, so forth where you had toe hustle, the buck you if you didn’t sell, somebody else got him and there was only one of them, and there was five of you trying to get them, so one fish today, and if you weren’t the one that caught it, you were the one that went hungry, so we really talked about how sales  people now and in current future tents need to get that understanding of how to be better at this sales methodology.


And that’s what Geico does is in the training room also with us as co host. We had Adele Gutman, who is the founder and CEO of aspire reputation marketing. We also had Dean Schmidt, who is the founder and CEO of both. Base Camp meant a search and medicine marketing, which is both trainer and provider of services for meta Search. Stephanie Smith with Cog Wheel Marketing Founder Also, which is for very, much directly brand related initiatives for marketing., primarily we have to get this right.


Hilton, Hyatt, IHG and Marriott also was Lily Mockerman, founder and CEO of two organizations, TCRM, Enterprises and Thinks up Enterprises, TCRM Services excuse me and thinks of enterprises which is strongly skewed towards the revenue management yield opportunities as well as marketing as well. Ben Hanley and was also there with us, who was also founder of three and six agency marketing agency, based on the other side of the pond in northern England. Uh, Edward ST Onge, co founder and president of Flip.To, which is an advocacy platform, social engagement and consumer sentiment engagement, which is very powerful.


And then we’ve delved in that many times. Cat Mohammed joined us, who was formerly the director of Al HOA Asian American Hotel Owners Association, but has recently moved onto a new occupation of empowering women for business. And it might have been one of our last times with Cat, as she has changed industries at this point, always wonderful to have her back. But this was her chance to kind of share with us with her new path, and we hope that she will come back and join us of on occasion is toe how well that’s working.


Obviously that touches hospitality. We will be more connected to what that would be on then. Ellis Conley, which was just somebody that got to join us, which out of the audience, which was funding over and  do have talked about ah, perspective of contribution to the whole process. So anyways, um, some of the things that we talked about it just great numbers, uh, as to what sales teams they do and the loss of Thrace. Art of sailing, selling the skill of selling, I guess, would be to it.


We talked about the cadence of sales, the timeframe, the timeline, the road map of the interactions and engagements necessary and sales. The need to have over, on average, seven months of dialogue with 7 to 12 touch points in that seven months is an average, Um, but she said 70 77% of all revenues developed her in that time cycle, which goes back to the cadence conversation. So lots of really cool meat sales, insightful stats and methods in our discussion with Amy, one news topic I want to bring to This is a topic that Robert Cole from his very excellent curated list from Rock Cheetah.


Which, by the way, if you ever want to sign up for free, you simply have to go to Italy. B i t l Y ford slash rock Cheetah all over case no space signed up for free and you get the same wonderful curator list weekly that we get. But the article I wanted to tackle was one that we didn’t get to talk to you about in the live show. You know, on average last two hours. And that is track these three S E O K. P. Ice to make better marketing decisions And what I’d like to point out about those is there pretty much like, Thank you, Captain. Obvious.


But it is such a ignored aspect to what we do we’re so focused on where can I find money? How much money you have to spend to make the money for getting in some cases, the core requirement of making sure block and tackle. You’re doing your CERP visibility. You track your conversions attributed to organic traffic separate from your paid traffic and assist organic traffic assistant organic traffic conversions. How are they amplifying other aspects and what’s amplifying them in return? How are your different channels of opportunity pushing against each other?


And it may sound like, Well, yeah, that’s like saying that, you know, it’s what outside must have rained. but so often we’re so caught up in the need for revenue and how do we do this? And where do we have to spend? And what does it gonna get for us that you forget that you also have to make sure that the basics of your organic and your ability to show for whom you are what you are, even at that level of organic. Although we call it depressed because of all the things you have to go through Google before you get to paid and you have to go through all paid before you get organic, you still need to have your value proposition of what organic is doing in contrast and in comparison toe all your other channels.


Um so really good article about that from a a dress dot com  which, of course, all these links are will be in the show notes, along with the links to our discussions from the live show as well, and also to the links to our tools that we talked about earlier to this again. Remember, you can find us on Google Play Apple iTunes I heart radio SoundCloud, stitcher, Spotify, Pandora tuned in pocket casts. Actually, we just even joined Amazon music recently. In addition to being actually on Amazon Alexa, Google assistant in Syria, you just have to ask to play the hospitality marketing podcast and poof.


There it is. We’re on 39 platforms and counting. Um, no matter which one you may use If you like to show, please rate us and leave a comment we love to hear your feedback as well is that helps others find our content as well. Hopefully it could be as helpful to them as we do. We hope that you find it helpful to you. And if this is your first time here is s of course you can subscribe for showing any of those platforms that we just mentioned on additional you know, 38 more that you could go to a swell and, of course, again, for an archive of all previous podcast, you could go toe hospitality digital working to dot com forward slash podcast.


That’s with an S at the end. And don’t forget our live video talk show. You can join and participate in every Friday at 11. 30 Eastern US time called This weekend Hospitality Marketing the live show Simply go to hospitality digital marketing dot com for slash live. There you see all archived links of shows 267 backwards seven years and counting 25,000 plus people week in 32 different countries, translated in 11 languages as a matter of fact, this podcast is also translated in 11 languages. In close caption also For those that may not be able to hear the pace of my English, they can certainly read hopefully a good enough translation in their own native language.


So, with all of that, thank you, as always for the privilege of your time. And we look forward talking to you next week.


Announcer — You have been listening to this week in Hospitality Marketing, the Podcast show 267 brought to you by hospitality, digital marketing and support of the HSMAI, the Hospitality Sales and Marketing Association International. All rights reserved copyright 2020.

Founder / CEO of Hospitality Digital Marketing

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