Make It Work LV
“Thank you for your attendance Las Vegas. This page will be updated with additional links and a special additional segment for Marketing. From the post-session in-room feedback, it was asked if we could have had more marketing examples of convergence in action. I am recording that session now, (a remake as it were of Section 2 Segment 1 “How to Use Each Resource”) and will have it loaded up within 48 hours, (it’s currently Monday, March 4th 6 pm e.s.t.) I also will be ‘filling out’ all the in slide links to all the tools I referred to in the sessions. I hope you fond all of this helpful and useful information — Thank you again for making it the best attended Breakfast Series yet!” — Loren Gray
Section 1 Segment 1 — What’s Important and Why
Section 1 Segment 2 — Who Uses What?
Section 2 Segment 1 and 2 — How to Use Each Resource / Tools to Use For Strategy
Presentation Deck
Hsmai lv convergence final from Loren Gray, CHDM
Links and Downloads
Pre-Quiz Link